Archaeological excavation
The Silesian Museum is an organisation authorised to carry out archaeological excavations within the meaning of §21 of Act 20/1987 Coll. on State Heritage Care. The scope of competence of the Silesian Museum covers the area of the Moravian-Silesian Region and the district of Jeseník (historically part of the Czech Silesia).
Within the framework of our activities, we carry out both academic and rescue archaeological excavations, surface surveys, collecting, processing and subsequent storage of archaeological material and professional archaeological supervision in accordance with § 22, section 1 of Act No.20/1987 Coll. (the full text of Act 20/1987 Coll. on State Heritage Care in czech HERE). Our other activities include carrying out surveying and documentation work (complete field documentation, drone photography, geo-radar measurements, etc.), including processing using CAD software and geographic information systems (see our equipment).
The Silesian Museum ensures the preparation of expert opinions and statements on areas with archaeological findings and, upon request, issues to builders a certificate of fulfilment of the condition of archaeological supervision pursuant to § 22 (2) of the State Heritage Act. We also provide opinions on planning documentation prepared for the needs of public authorities.
Current archaeological excavations

Project: mapping and preventive protection of fortified medieval fortifications in Jeseniky region.
Excavation: Polycultural site in Neplachovice.

Project: nnon-destructive archaeological and historical research and mapping of World War II sites in Czech Silesia.