For builders

If construction activity is to be carried out in an area with archaeological findings, according to § 22(2) of Act No.20/1987 Coll., builders are obliged from the time of the preparation of the construction to notify the Institute of Archaeology of this intention and to allow it or an authorised organisation to carry out a rescue archaeological excavation in the affected area. The Silesian Museum is an organisation authorised to carry out archaeological excavations within the meaning of § 21 of Act 20/1987 Coll. on State Heritage Care. 

Areas with archaeological findings are considered to be both sites where archaeological findings have been made in the past and sites where the terrain has not been disturbed by recent interventions and therefore the possible occurrence of archaeological findings cannot be excluded. In practice, the entire territory of the Czech Republic is considered to be an area with archaeological finds, with the exception of sites that have been mined (mines, sand pits, etc.) or rehabilitated after mining. 

If the builder is a legal entity or a natural person whose business necessitated the need for rescue archaeological excavation, the costs of the rescue archaeological excavation shall be paid by the builder. A similar procedure shall be followed if any other activity is to be carried out on such an area which could endanger the carrying out of archaeological excavations.

Rescue archaeological excavations are covered by the authorised organisation only if the builder is a natural person carrying out works in an area with archaeological findings for a non-commercial purpose ( for example, the construction of a family house for residential purposes only).

For notification of construction activity, builders can use the attached form below. Upon request, we issue to the builders a certificate of fulfilment of the condition of archaeological supervision pursuant to § 22 (2) of the State Heritage Act. 

In case of questions or uncertainties, please contact the Head of the Department of Archaeology, PhDr. Jiří Juchelka, Ph.D., tel.: +420 731 308 300, e-mail:

Notification of construction activity in an area with archaeological findings pursuant to § 22 (2) of Act No. 20/1987 Coll. on State Heritage Care as amended.

Please send the filled out form with the project documentation (for the purpose of orientation in the field it is necessary to attach at least a map with the location of the event) to the e-mail