Silesian Museum

Department of Archaeology

Archaeological expedition Romania 2023

In cooperation with the Museum in Botoșani (Muzeul Județean Botoșani) and the Museum of Jeseníky region (Vlastivědné muzeum jesenicka), the staff of the Department of Archaeology of the Silesian Museum started the excavation of a burial mound in Flămânzi, Romania. The burial mound (kughan or also tumulus) is a typical burial structure in steppe and forest environments from the end of the Eneolithic to the Middle Ages...

Statement of the Department of Archaeology of the Silesian Museum on illegal detector prospecting 

The Department of Archaeology is against the illegal looting of areas with archaeological finds. In full compliance with the Valletta Treaty and the International Charter on the Management of Archaeological Heritage, it prefers to preserve finds "in situ" while fully respecting scientific requirements. Fully supports non-destructive methods over destructive ones (Kaltenštejn, WWII), if the situation allows it and archaeological situations are not endangered. It participates in education and at the same time actively participates in the protection of archaeological sites from illegal looting, directly in the field.

Objectives and results of our research

ExhibitionHow to search for Second World War graves

Video: Opava - archaeological excavations in the centre of the medieval town

Video: Koberštejn - non-destructive archaeological research of a medieval castle

Video: Archaeological excavation of a prehistoric site in Velké Hoštice

Exhibition: Civilization and barbarians

Video: Mapping World War II sites in Czech Silesia

Video: Medieval Kaltenštejn Castle from an aerial perspective

Video: Kaltenštejn - non-destructive archaeological research of a medieval castle

Video: Excavations of the polycultural site in Neplachovice

Exhibition: The medieval castle of Kaltenštejn from the perspective of non-destructive archaeology

Video: Rychleby - non-destructive archaeological research of a medieval site

Project: Non-destructive archaeological and historical research and mapping of World War II sites in Czech Silesia

Excavation: Polycultural site in Neplachovice

Project: Mapping and preventive protection of fortified medieval fortifications in Jeseniky region